Traduzione per "to continued" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
Rhythm: continuous quick scintillating or continuous scintillating
Rythme : scintillant rapide continu, ou scintillant continu
Who has forced you to continue being parents?
Qui vous force à continuer?
You're ready to continue.
- Tu es prêt à continuer.
I really encourage you to continue.
Je vous encourage vraiment à continuer.
But you don't have to continue to be.
Vous n'avez pas à continuer.
I'm talking about allowing some to continue.
Je parle d'autoriser certains à continuer.
I'm okay to continue.
Je suis prêt à continuer.
A species to continue...
Une espèce à continuer...
We don't have to continue this, Zuko.
Rien ne nous oblige à continuer.
Ready to continue your lessons?
- Prêts à continuer les leçons ?
And this process is continuing.
Ce processus se poursuit.
Continuation of the discussion
Poursuite du débat
The report continues:
Le rapport poursuit:
That work is continuing.
Ce travail se poursuit.
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