Traduzione per "this coupled" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
Married Couple or cohabitating couple without children
Couple marié ou couple cohabitant sans enfants
The term "couple" should include married couples, registered couples, and couples who live in a consensual union.
494. Le terme couple doit s'appliquer aux couples mariés, aux couples vivant en partenariat enregistré et aux couples qui vivent en union consensuelle.
Married Couple or cohabitating couple with a child
Couple marié ou couple cohabitant avec enfants
De facto couples (of all couples)
Couples concubins (par rapport au nombre total de couples) (%)
Does this couple look familiar?
Vous reconnaissez ce couple?
I'm hearing this couple fighting.
J'entends ce couple se battre.
This couple doesn't exist.
Ce couple n'existe pas.
This couple broke up.
Ce couple a rompu.
Look at this couple.
Regarde ce couple.
This couple is, uh, cosmopolitan.
Ce couple est,euh, cosmopolite.
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