Traduzione per "that were inhabitants" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
232. Among those requesting compensation were inhabitants of northern Transylvania, which was annexed by Hungary in 1940 under the terms of the second Vienna Award and whose inhabitants were compelled to enlist in the Hungarian army.
232. Parmi ceux qui ont demandé des dédommagements se sont trouvés aussi des habitants du nord de la Transylvanie, qui a été annexée par la Hongrie en 1940 (le Diktat de Vienne), ses habitants ayant été obligés à s'enrôler dans l'armée hongroise.
Peoples who had lived in Indonesia since time immemorial were considered to be indigenous, while "native Indonesians" were inhabitants of the archipelago who could claim that their ancestors had always lived there, as opposed to other Asians or European settlers.
Les peuples qui vivent en Indonésie depuis des temps immémoriaux sont considérés comme indigènes ou autochtones et les <<Indonésiens natifs>> sont les habitants de l'archipel qui peuvent affirmer que leurs ancêtres y ont toujours vécu, par opposition à d'autres habitants asiatiques ou aux colons européens.
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