Traduzione per "ports" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
Port of Spain/Nairobi/Port of Span
Port of Spain/Nairobi/Port of Spain
Port Vila/Noumea/Port Vila
Port Villa/Nouméa/Port Villa
Port Vila/Geneva/Port Vila
3. The National Ports Authority will be the landlord of the South African ports and will own all the land and the port infrastructures within the port estates;
3. "L'Autorité portuaire nationale" sera l'autorité "port propriétaire foncier" (landlord port) des ports sud-africains et possédera les terrains et les infrastructures des ports;
- The port of shipment and the port of discharge;
- Le port d'embarquement et le port de déchargement;
E.IV-07. Port-to-port distance
E.IV-07 Distance de port à port
The traffic tends to be concentrated in a fewer number of ports called "main ports" or "hub ports".
Le trafic se concentre sur un nombre restreint de ports, appelés "ports principaux" ou "ports d'éclatement".
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