Traduzione per "plummer" a francese
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50. Ms. PLUMMER (Committee of NGOs Against Racism and Racial Discrimination) pointed out that racism and xenophobia often went hand in hand with poverty, and placed children in a particularly vulnerable situation.
50. Mme PLUMMER (Committee of NGOs against Racism and racial discrimination) fait observer que le racisme et la xénophobie vont souvent de pair avec la pauvreté et placent les enfants dans une situation particulièrement vulnérable.
62. Ms. PLUMMER (International Association against Torture) said that her organization attributed the persistent and consistent violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world to the absence of justice in the world.
62. Mme PLUMMER (Association internationale contre la torture) dit que l'organisation qu'elle représente attribue les violations persistantes et systématiques des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, où qu'elles se produisent, à l'absence de justice à travers le monde.
Source: Peter A. Petri and Michael G. Plummer, The trans-Pacific partnership and Asia-Pacific integration: policy implications, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2012.
Source : Peter A. Petri et Michael G. Plummer, The trans-Pacific partnership and Asia-Pacific integration; policy implications, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2012.
- Bye, Mrs. Plummer!
- Au revoir, Mme Plummer!
Representing Mariel Plummer.
- Je représente Mariel Plummer.
OK, Miss Plummer?
D'accord, Mlle Plummer ?
- Bye, Miss Plummer.
- Au revoir, Mlle Plummer.
- Under Plummer Park.
- Sous Plummer Park.
Professor Howard Plummer.
Le professeur Howard Plummer.
No, Miss Plummer.
Non, Mlle Plummer.
- That Colonel Plummer.
- Ce colonel Plummer.
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