Traduzione per "married to her" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
It also notes with deep concern that one in every five married women is married to her maternal or paternal cousin or another relative, and that 30 per cent of disabled children are born to consanguineous marriages.
Il note aussi avec une profonde préoccupation qu'une femme mariée sur cinq est mariée à un cousin maternel ou paternel ou à un autre parent, et que 30 % des enfants handicapés sont issus de mariages consanguins.
Strange thing is, my dad stayed married to her.
Ce qui est drôle, c'est que mon père est resté marié à elle.
But as long as I'm married to her
et tant que je suis marié à elle
- How do you know? - Because nobody married to her... kills themselves.
Personne ne se tuerait, étant marié à elle.
I'm married to her, but I don't want to do that anymore.
Je suis marié à elle, et je ne veux plus faire ça.
I want that bastard married to her.
Je veux que ce salaud marié à elle.
I honestly don't know how Noah stays married to her.
Je ne sais pas vraiment pourquoi Noah reste marié à elle.
So I just stay married to her.
Alors je reste marié à elle.
Just stay married to her, I guess.
Juste, reste marié à elle.
Yes. Because you're not married to her.
Car vous n'êtes pas marié à elle.
You've been married to her for 8 years.
Vous êtes marié à elle depuis 8 ans.
Oh, well, I'm married to her father, so...
Oh je suis mariée à son père, donc...
Rachel was married to her work.
Rachel était mariée à son travail.
My mom was married to her dad.
Ma mère a été mariée à son père.
Single and successful or married to her work?
Célibataire ayant réussi, ou mariée à son travail?
My wife is married to her work.
Ma femme est mariée à son boulot.
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