Traduzione per "knew that" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
She knew she had to do something.
Elle savait donc qu'il lui fallait agir.
It need not be shown that the perpetrator knew of this determination.
que l'auteur savait l'existence de cette constatation.
3. The perpetrator knew of the prohibited nature of such use.
L'auteur savait qu'une telle utilisation est interdite.
He knew that a victory in war was not enough.
Il savait que gagner une guerre ne suffit pas.
Everybody knew that they would not be easy.
Tout le monde savait qu'elles ne seraient pas faciles.
So he knew what he was doing.
Il savait donc fort bien ce qu'il faisait.
Mrs. Roosevelt knew of whom she was speaking.
Mme Roosevelt savait de quoi elle parlait.
Chuck knew that...
Chuck savait que...
We knew that going in.
On savait que ça arrivait.
She knew that you...
Elle savait que tu...
And Jackson knew that.
Et Jackson savait que.
- If he knew that you...
- S'il savait que vous...
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