Traduzione per "it is important therefore" a francese
It is important therefore
Esempi di traduzione.
It is important therefore that States do not lose sight of this element of the embargo.
Il est donc important que les États ne perdent pas de vue cet élément de l'embargo.
It is important, therefore, that we conclude our work at this session with a spirit of mutual accommodation and cooperation.
Il est donc important que nous achevions les travaux de cette session dans un esprit de compromis et de coopération mutuels.
It is important, therefore, that this very significant achievement is not only maintained but further consolidated.
Il est donc important que cet accomplissement combien important soit non seulement maintenu mais également consolidé.
It is important, therefore, to determine what sort of education might prevent the sexual abuse of children.
Il est donc important de déterminer quel type d'éducation pourrait les empêcher.
It is important, therefore, that Overseas Territory Governments cooperate with them.
Il est donc important que les gouvernements de ces territoires prêtent leur coopération.
It is important, therefore, to see what the real problems are today and consider solutions to address them.
Il est donc important d'identifier les vrais problèmes et d'étudier les solutions à y apporter.
It is important, therefore, that the distinct identity of each conference follow-up process be maintained.
Il est donc important de préserver l'individualité de son processus de suivi.
It was important, therefore, that those corporations be held responsible.
Il est donc important que ces sociétés rendent des comptes.
It is important therefore to know both the power and the limits of language.
Il est donc important de connaître le pouvoir et les limites de la langue.
It was important, therefore, to take into account the evolution in the situation in Viet Nam.
Il est donc important de prendre en compte l'évolution de la situation au Viet Nam.
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