Traduzione per "is kill" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
:: Killings of civilians.
:: Tuerie de civils;
Prohibition of killing
Interdiction de tuer
With the intention to kill that person;
- Avec l'intention de le tuer;
But he still kills.
Mais il continue de tuer.
They will kill anybody.
Ils sont capables de tuer n'importe qui.
Enough killing and enough killing of innocent people".
Assez de tueries et assez de tueries de personnes innocentes >>.
(a) The circumstances of the killings;
a) Les circonstances de la tuerie;
Did that justify killing them?
Cela justifietil de les tuer ?
We like to kill Muslims.
Nous voulons les tuer.
Killing is killing, Dexter.
Tuer c'est tuer, Dexter.
Well, war is killing.
La guerre, c'est tuer.
Killing a man is killing a man.
Tuer, c'est tuer !
My job is killing rats.
Mon job, c'est tuer les rats.
What she's doing is killing Moya.
Ce qu'elle fait, c'est tuer Moya.
All you have to do is kill!
Tous ce que vous devez faire c'est tuer!
killing yourself is killing
Se tuer, c'est tuer.
And what they do is kill.
Et ce qu'il fait, c'est tuer.
All they can do is kill.
Tout ce qu'elles savent faire, c'est tuer.
Number of persons killed
Nombre de morts
268 people killed
268 morts
One African was killed.
L'un d'eux a trouvé la mort.
Kidnapping Threat to kill
Menace de mort
He was killed instantly.
Le pêcheur est mort sur le coup.
Threats to kill;
- Les menaces de mort;
- Wow. And the mood is killed.
L'ambiance est morte.
Now, that silly cop is killed off.
Cet idiot de flic est mort.
The collector of bones is killed.
Le collecteur d'os est mort.
- M. Lavington is killed.
M. Lavington est mort.
Mother, the father is killed.
Mère, Père est mort.
Your dead soul is killing his living skin.
Ton âme est morte et elle tue ton corps.
Somebody is killed
Quelqu'un est mort.
They do. One man is killed.
Un homme y est mort.
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