Traduzione per "he taking" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
The new President's term begins when he takes office and ends when the new President elected takes office.
Le mandat du Président commence dès son investiture et prend fin quand le nouveau Président élu prend ses fonctions.
He takes medication.
Il prends des médicaments.
He's taking on pigs, he's taking on goats, he's taking on cows, he's taking on me any time he wants to.
Il prend des porcs, il prend sur les chèvres, il prend des vaches, il prend sur moi tout le temps qu'il veut.
He's taking responsibility.
Il prend des responsabilités.
He takes the bus.
Il prend l'autobus.
I give and I give and I give... and he takes and he takes and he takes.
Je donne, je donne, je donne et il prend, il prend, il prend.
He's taking the highway!
- Il prend l'autoroute.
- He's taking the warhead.
- Il prend l'ogive.
He's taking antidepressants.
Il prend des antidépresseurs.
He's taking control.
Il prend le contrôle.
How could he take his own life ?
Comment pourrait-il prendre sa propre vie ?
- Could he take the trumpet? - That will be a good step for him.
- Pourrait-il prendre la trompette ?
How can he take the place of your dead brother?
Comment peut-il prendre la place de votre frère mort ?
I mean, if there was a god, How could he take my dad, Who never did anything wrong in his whole life?
Si Dieu existe, comment peut-il prendre mon père... qui n'a jamais péché ?
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