Frasi di contesto simile
Esempi di traduzione.
They all declared that they had been tortured and that their confessions had been extracted from them under duress.
Elles ont toutes déclaré avoir été torturées et avoir avoué sous la contrainte.
At the trial the author admitted that he had had an altercation with the victim but denied sexually assaulting him.
Au procès, l'auteur a reconnu avoir eu une dispute avec la victime, mais a nié l'avoir agressée sexuellement.
Antia stated that it had left the police report in Iraq and had requested that the police report be sent to it.
Antia a déclaré avoir laissé le rapport de police en Iraq et avoir demandé qu'on le lui envoie.
In addition, 7.2% of the female respondents said they had had experience of being forced by males to have sexual intercourse.
En outre, 7,2 pour cent des enquêtées ont déclaré avoir été forcé par des hommes à avoir des rapports sexuels.
Wish I had.
J'aimerais l'avoir fait.
I had him.
J'allais l'avoir.
- Almost had him.
- J'ai failli l'avoir.
-Almost had me?
- Failli m"avoir ?
He must've had...
Il devait avoir...
Nepal had a rich cultural heritage.
10. Le Népal possède un riche patrimoine culturel.
Uzbekistan had a parliamentary Ombudsman who was elected by both chambers of Parliament.
L'Ouzbékistan possède un Médiateur parlementaire qui est élu par les deux Chambres.
UNIDO had valuable experience in that area.
L'ONUDI possède une expérience appréciable dans ce domaine.
However, Cuba had a long tradition of hosting refugees.
Il possède cependant une longue tradition d'accueil de réfugiés.
Bolivia had the region's greatest area of certified forests.
La Bolivie possède la plus grande zone de forêts certifiées de la région.
Niger also had significant agricultural resources.
149. Le Niger possède aussi d'importantes ressources agricoles.
Latvia had extensive case law concerning immigration.
La Lettonie possède une jurisprudence substantielle concernant l'immigration.
The Region had a very diverse and vibrant free press.
La Région possède une presse libre, très diverse et très dynamique.
He welcomed the fact that Kiribati had no standing army.
61. Il se félicite que Kiribati ne possède pas d'armée permanente.
Brazil had some of the world's most advanced legislation on migration.
Le Brésil possède l'une des législations migratoires les plus avancées du monde.
You had me.
Tu m'as possédé...
Who I had.
Que je l'ai possédé.
A Wraith had control of her.
Un Wraith l'a possédée.
You had the power once, didn't you?
- Tu l'as possédé, non ?
One I never had.
Je ne l'ai jamais possédé.
Who had access to the lock box?
Qui possède les clefs ?
I had that piece.
Je possède déjà cette pièce.
It was like the devil himself had taken control of me.
J'étais comme possédé.
We had to own each other.
On voulait posséder l'autre.
- I didn't know Warlock had ajudge.
Warlock possède un juge ?
So, we had to take another route.
Nous avons donc dû prendre une autre route.
Accordingly, the Conference had the power to adopt decisions.
Dans ces circonstances, la Conférence est habilitée à prendre des décisions.
Care homes had responsibility for their welfare.
Des centres d'accueil sont chargés de les prendre en charge.
It therefore had the responsibility to take the lead.
C'est donc à lui qu'il revenait de prendre la direction des opérations.
One had to take sides.
Il est indispensable de prendre position.
The magnitude of the problem had to be recognized.
Il faut prendre conscience de l'ampleur du problème.
The time had come to take action.
Il est temps de prendre des mesures.
- She had it coming.
- Elle allait le prendre.
- I just had some.
- Je viens d'en prendre.
I should've had that.
J'aurais dû prendre ça.
It had to end.
Cela devait prendre fin.
- You just had some.
- Tu viens d'en prendre.
-Everyone had coffee.
-Juste prendre un café.
We had to scoop Teddy.
J'allais prendre Teddy.
I had to.
Je devais le prendre.
I had that corner.
J'allais prendre ce virage.
Had attitudes changed?
Les comportements ont—ils changé ?
It had three major projects:
Elle comporte trois projets principaux:
The event had three components:
Cette manifestation a comporté trois volets:
CORTE currently had 20 members.
Elle comporte actuellement 20 membres.
The soldier had not behaved in a provocative manner.
Le soldat ne s'était pas comporté de manière provocatrice.
It had a number of shortcomings.
De plus, il comporte plusieurs lacunes.
This is the experience we have had with Eritrea.
L'Érythrée a adopté le même comportement avec nous.
She just had those edges that couldn't...
Elle avait des comportements...
You mentioned Kendra had an attitude.
Vous avez mentionné son comportement.
You had a certain tell, parker.
- Tu as eu un certain comportement.
He also had some Sealed juvenile stuff. Lewd behavior, trespassing.
comportement obscène, effraction.
Had he been acting unusual?
Avait-il un comportement inhabituel ?
But they had made a mistake.
Ils s'étaient mal comportés.
I had a lot of behavioural disorders.
J'avais des troubles du comportement.
Even I had misbehaved.
"Moi aussi, je me suis comporté mal."
We had to take that into account.
Nous avons dû tenir compte de ces affirmations.
That was a very important issue that had to be recognized.
C'est un point très important dont il faut tenir compte.
In complex situations, the context had to be taken into consideration.
Il importe, dans les situations complexes, de tenir compte du contexte.
She was frail and had difficulty in standing and walking.
Elle était de santé fragile et avait des difficultés à se tenir debout et à marcher.
Those concerns had to be taken into account.
Il faudra tenir compte de leurs préoccupations.
I had him to hold.
Je pouvais le tenir.
I thought we had him.
- Je croyais le tenir!
-Somebody had to stand up to those guys.
- Fallait leur tenir tête.
- I thought I had him, but-
- Je croyais le tenir, mais-
- I thought I had him.
- Je croyais Ie tenir.
For a while, I had them buffaloed.
Je croyais les tenir.
Uh, I thought I had it there.
Je croyais la tenir.
I had promises to keep.
J'avais une promesse à tenir.
I figured we had a McDade.
Je croyais tenir McDade.
Had what in the air?
Tenir quoi dans le ciel ?
It was difficult to understand how the situation had evolved so radically.
Un tel revirement est difficile à comprendre.
It was our understanding that it had been accepted.
Nous avions nous aussi cru comprendre qu'elle avait été acceptée.
They had abjectly failed to understand the threat posed by terrorism.
Leur incapacité à comprendre la menace posée par le terrorisme est lamentable.
We had to try to understand in order to provide support or to counter—attack.
Il fallait tâcher de comprendre pour appuyer ou contre—attaquer.
His understanding was that it had general support.
Il croit comprendre que ce texte bénéficie de l'appui général.
But the legislation had become complex and hard to understand.
Néanmoins, la législation est devenue complexe et difficile à comprendre.
I had to figure this out.
Je devais comprendre ça.
I had my driver's license, ATM card, sub club.
- ... Perpétuelle. - Il va comprendre.
How awkward. I thought you had.
J'ai cru le comprendre.
Yes, I had understood that...
Oui, j'ai cru comprendre...
That's what I had to understand.
C'est ce que je devais comprendre.
Had any way of knowing...
Il n'a rien à comprendre.
I only had to realize it.
Je devais simplement le comprendre.
And that I had to understand.
Et à comprendre.
I thought I had it there for a sec.
J'ai presque cru comprendre.
I thought I had made that clear.
Je pensais m'être fait comprendre.
Without it, the international community would have nothing, even if some claimed that countries could not be forced into following timetables and meeting goals that they had had no role in developing.
Sans lui, la communauté internationale serait totalement démunie, même si d'aucuns prétendent qu'un pays ne peut être obligé de respecter certains calendriers ni de réaliser des objectifs à la définition desquels il n'a pas participé.
The State party had therefore failed to guarantee Mr. Ashby's right to a remedy and had refused to recognize that it might be bound to provide a remedy.
L'Etat partie n'a donc pas garanti le droit de M. Ashby à introduire un recours, et a refusé de reconnaître qu'il pourrait être obligé de fournir ce recours.
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