Traduzione per "five-and-a-half" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
It also expressed its rejection of the trials by the Israeli occupation authorities of Syrian nationals Majed Shaer, sentenced to five and one-half years in prison, his son Fidaa, sentenced to three years in prison, and Yusuf Shams, sentenced to five years in prison.
Il a également exprimé son rejet des jugements prononcés par les autorités d'occupation israéliennes à l'égard des nationaux syriens Majed Chaer, condamné à cinq et demi d'emprisonnement, son fils Fida, condamné à trois ans, et Youssef Chams, condamné à cinq ans.
She's five, and a half. So I help with her.
Elle a cinq ans et demi.
Five and a half years, sir.
Cinq ans et demi.
Yes, forty-five and a half.
Quarante-cinq ans... et demi.
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