Traduzione per "finally ended" a francese
Finally ended
Esempi di traduzione.
When the war finally ended in Afghanistan about a year ago the Afghan people expected the free world, and especially this Organization, in appreciation of their great sacrifices, to extend the required humanitarian assistance for the immediate needs of the Afghan people and to provide financial and technical assistance in their post-war struggle for reconstruction.
Lorsque la guerre en Afghanistan s'est enfin terminée, le peuple afghan espérait que le monde libre, et en particulier cette organisation, en reconnaissance de ses grands sacrifices, fournirait l'aide humanitaire indispensable à la satisfaction de ses besoins immédiats et lui apporterait un soutien financier et technique dans sa lutte d'après-guerre pour la reconstruction.
Thanks to us, this war will finally end.
Grâce à nous, cette sale guerre sera enfin terminée.
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