Traduzione per "fathers-in-law" a francese
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They then proceeded to the home of his wife's family in search of him, put restraints on his father-in-law, and threatened to kill the family and burn down the house if they did not surrender the Officer to them.
Ils sont allés ensuite chez son beau-père, l'ont ligoté et menacé de le tuer s'il ne remettait pas l'officier.
The complainant added to his previous claims that it was actually his father-in-law who worked as a prosecutor, and not his mother-in-law, as submitted previously.
Il ajoutait à ses précédentes allégations que c'était en réalité son beau-père, et non sa belle-mère comme il l'avait précédemment affirmé, qui était procureur.
When his father-in-law, Alfred Pană, came to request an explanation of this arrest, he too was arrested and beaten.
Son beau-père, Alfred Pană, venu demander des explications sur cette arrestation, aurait été arrêté à son tour et battu.
This decision was made in consultation with his father-in-law, who, according to the complainant, confirmed that he was wanted by the police.
Il a pris cette décision après avoir consulté son beau-père qui a confirmé que la police le recherchait.
He reiterates his position that it was his father-in-law who helped him to avoid being arrested.
Il répète que c'est son beau-père qui lui a permis de ne pas être arrêté.
52. One such connection was between Bobby Sarpee and his father-in-law, Didier Goulia, who currently lives in Ghana.
52. Ce sont des relations de ce type qui existent entre Bobby Sarpee et son beau-père, Didier Goulia, qui réside actuellement au Ghana.
Under the paternal roof, incest and rape are perpetrated by fathers, stepfathers, fathers-in-law, brothers, uncles and cousins.
Sous le toit paternel, l'inceste et le viol domestique sont les faits des pères, des beaux-pères, des frères, des oncles et des cousins.
One of the calls was made to the telephone belonging to Ramón Lago, the author's father-in-law.
Un des appels avait pour destinataire un téléphone appartenant au beau-père de l'auteur, Ramón Lago.
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