Traduzione per "but were" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas.
Si les si et les mais étaient des bonbons nous passerions un très joyeux Noël.
Our key is that the bodies were not frozen inside the ice, but were below it.
L'important c'est que les corps n'étaient pas congelés dans la glace, mais étaient en dessous.
But were they all really journalists?
Mais étaient-ils tous journalistes ?
Yeah, but were they skux, though?
Oui, mais étaient-ils, genre baroudeur ?
They had... tiny little wings but were flightless.
Ils avaient... de toutes petites ailes, mais étaient incapables de voler.
They were less well known then but were very recognisable as brothers - and as big guys who moved like panthers.
Ils étaient moins connus à l'époque, mais étaient très reconnaissables en tant que frères et types costauds qui bougeaient comme des panthères.
But were they happy?
Mais étaient-ils heureux?
"She knew babies were meant to kick, but were they meant to scratch?"
"Elle savait que les bébés étaient faits pour donner des coups de pieds, mais étaient-ils faits pour griffer?"
But were they in line with your thinking at the time?
Mais étaient-ils en accord avec votre opinion de l'époque ?
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