Traduzione per "as that" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
Simple as that.
C'est comme ça.
As big as that.
Grosse comme ça.
Easy as that, eh?
Facile comme ça, hein ?
As easy as that?
Juste comme ça ?
Simple as that, huh?
Comme ça, hein ?
As clear as that.
Comme ça, c'est clair.
Think of me as that.
Considère-moi comme ça.
Bormann wanted a house like that of Himmler as Himmler had managed to build such a house as that of Goering.
Bormann aurait voulu une maison comme celle d'Himmler, si Himmler avait pu avoir la même que Göring.
A triple barrier of magic, such as that around Thira... and which keeps everything away from the soul.
Une triple barrière de la magie, comme celle autour de Thira ... et qui maintient tout de suite de l'âme.
But you don't see me as that girl that you used to pick up in your ride.
Mais tu ne me vois plus comme celle que tu passais prendre en voiture.
I can make nothing of such a hand as that.
Je ne peux rien tirer d'une main comme celle-là.
For the grasslands team, no location would prove as challenging as that dominated by elephant grass in north-east India.
Pour l'équipe des prairies, aucun emplacement se révélerait aussi difficile comme celle dominée par l'herbe à éléphant en Inde au nord-est.
There's 86,000 feet of film there, Pat, every frame as good as that.
On a 26000 m de pellicule et toutes les images sont comme celles-ci.
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