Traduzione per "after we married" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
After we married he became unbearable.
Après notre mariage, il est devenu invivable.
See, Sam never knew that my family had any money at all until after we married.
Sam n'a su que ma famille avait de l'argent qu'après notre mariage.
Phil gained weight after we married, and we started having intimacy issues.
Phil a pris du poids après notre mariage, et nous avons eu des problèmes intimes.
And you can picture to us? moving us here, after we married?
Tu nous vois vivre ici après notre mariage?
About Earl and how he changed after we married, became someone I feared.
Au sujet d'Earl et comme il avait changé après notre mariage... et était devenu quelqu'un queje craignais.
She seduced him again after we married.
Elle a réussi à le faire replonger après notre mariage.
We had this boxing match a couple years after we married.
On a fait un match... peu après notre mariage.
I figured after we married, I would have to stage a little accident for Elsa.
Après notre mariage, je me serais débarrassé d'Elsa.
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