Traduzione per "were very expensive" a finlandese
Esempi di traduzione.
They were made to order, and they were very expensive.
Ne valmistettiin tilauksesta, ja ne olivat hyvin kalliita.
These machines, which were very expensive and hence could be bought only by big capitalists, altered the whole mode of production and displaced the former workers, because the machines turned out cheaper and better commodities than the workers could produce with their inefficient spinning wheels and handlooms.
Nämä koneet, jotka olivat hyvin kalliita ja joita sen vuoksi vain suurkapitalistit saattoivat hankkia, muuttivat koko entisen tuotantotavan ja syrjäyttivät entiset työmiehet, koska koneet alkoivat valmistaa parempia ja halvempia tavaroita kuin työmiehet puutteellisine rukkeineen ja kangaspuineen.
Back then, automobiles were very expensive and the roads were bad.
Tuohon aikaan autot olivat erittäin kalliita ja tiet huonoja.
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