Traduzione per "was proved" a finlandese
Was proved
Esempi di traduzione.
After testing, the substances included in the composition were investigated and their 100% effectiveness was proved.
Testauksen jälkeen koostumukseen sisältyvät aineet tutkittiin ja niiden 100-prosenttinen tehokkuus todistettiin.
1 It was proved that running in the morning brings moreBenefits for those who struggle with excess weight.
1 Todistettiin, että juokseminen aamulla tuo lisääEdut niille, jotka kamppailevat liialliseen painoon.
This was proved by the eponymous book, is no exception and the film adaptation of the adventures, and now the baton adopt and computer games.
Tämä todistettiin samannimisen kirjan, ei ole poikkeus ja elokuvassa seikkailuja, ja nyt viestikapula annettava ja tietokonepelejä.
But this also reflects that, in general, no such method can exist: some problems are known to be unsolvable by an algorithm, such as Hilbert's tenth problem, which was proved unsolvable in 1970.
Hilbertin kymmenes ongelma on myös esimerkki algoritmisesti ratkeamattomasta ongelmasta, jota ei siis voi ratkaista Turingin koneella, tämä todistettiin 1970.
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