Traduzione per "tubercles" a finlandese
Esempi di traduzione.
appearance of tubercle on the skin and its rapid increase.Its dimensions are within 2 cm.
ulkonäkö tuberkkeli iholla ja sen nopea kasvu.Sen mitat ovat 2 cm.
structure of the penis such that when a rush of blood during arousal body significantly increases its size, sealed and visibly thickens.The structure of the male genitalia is arranged in close contact with the urinary ducts.However, the nature prudent and during intercourse due to an increase in seed size tubercle urine prevents the outside, so it is not mixed with valuable genetic material such as semen.Upon reaching the required number of frictions and orgasm comes through the hole displayed sperm head, the formation of which is quite difficult and depends on many conditions.First, in condensed form sperm from the testes guided into the prostate gland, which is diluted with a special liquid.With rhythmic movements during intercourse activates the muscles of the perineum, abdominal and prostate directly.It is this comprehensive coordinated work enables push the sperm in the vagina with the necessary force to it as soon as possible reach the goal.
rakenne peniksen niin, että kun verentungos kiihottumisen aikana elin lisää merkittävästi sen kokoa, sinetöity ja näkyvästi paksunee.Rakenne miesten sukuelinten järjestetään läheisessä kosketuksessa virtsan kanavat.Kuitenkin luonto varovainen ja yhdynnässä johtuen kasvusta siemenen koon tuberkkeli virtsan estää ulkopuolella,
process of ejaculation - ejaculation - is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.On admission to the vas deferens sperm in condensed form and dilution of fluid from the prostate and seminal vesicles, like "explosive mixture" according to the rules of physiology should be heading for the exit for getting into the vagina and further progress towards the egg.At the same time, we note that the male reproductive system located in close proximity to the urinary duct, which at the time of removal of sperm are covered with a special seed tubercle, increases in size during orgasm.Thus, nature has taken care of the purity of exempting semen that is not mixed with
prosessi siemensyöksy - siemensyöksy - ohjaa sympaattinen hermosto.Pääsystä Siemenjohdin siittiöiden tiivistetyssä muodossa ja laimentaminen nestettä eturauhasen ja rakkularauhasten, kuten "räjähtävän seoksen" sääntöjen mukaisesti fysiologian olisi menossa poistua saada emättimeen ja edistymistä kohti muna.Samalla, toteamme, että miehen sukuelimiin sijaitsee lähellä virtsatiehyt, joka tuolloin poisto siittiöiden on peitetty erityinen siemen tuberkkeli, kasvaa koko aikana orgasmia.Siten luonto on hoitanut puhtauden vapauttaa siemennesteen, jota ei ole sekoitettu virtsaa.
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