Traduzione per "the most admirable" a finlandese
Esempi di traduzione.
The most admirable Evolution Maurice Lacroix still own production in Saignelégier case, Swiss watch factory unique.
Kaikkein ihailtavaa Evolution Maurice Lacroix vielä omaa tuotantoa Saignelégier tapauksessa, Sveitsin katsella tehdas ainutlaatuinen.
These as well as other ethical qualities were to form the basis of a new society which proved without doubt to be the most admirable, honorable, obedient and devoted of societies to Allah and His Prophet (salla Allahu alihi was sallam) the world has ever known, no era that followed can hold a candle up to the light shed through the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) to his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them.
Näiden sekä muiden eettisten ominaisuuksien olivat muodostavat perustan uuden yhteiskunnan, joka osoittautui epäilemättä kaikkein ihailtavaa, kunniallinen, tottelevainen ja uskollinen yhteiskuntien Allahi
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