Traduzione per "excommunicate" a finlandese
Esempi di traduzione.
Pope Innocent IV excommunicates Conrad IV of Germany and Rudolph I of Germany (who is later elected Holy Roman Emperor).
Paavi Innocentius IV julisti kirkonkiroukseen Saksan kuninkaat Konrad IV:n ja Rudolf I:n (valittiin myöhemmin keisariksi).
One reason the archbishop may have backed down was that he was in debt to the Italian banking family of the Riccardi, who also were bankers to Edward and the pope, and Peckham was under threat of excommunication from the pope unless he repaid the loans.
Yksi syy siihen, miksi hän antoi asiassa periksi, saattoi olla se, että hän oli veloissa italialaiselle Riccardin pankkiirisuvulle ja hänet oltaisiin voitu julistaa pannaan, ellei hän olisi maksanut velkojaan takaisin.
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