Traduzione per "been vote" a finlandese
Esempi di traduzione.
Tampere has been voted for the most student-friendly city in Finland.
Tampere on äänestetty Suomen opiskelijamyönteisimmäksi kaupungiksi.
Machine Guns Vegas has been voted best firearms experience!
Machine Guns Vegas on äänestetty parhaaksi ampumase kokemukseksi.
This city has been voted one of the most desirable places to live.
Tämä kaupunki on äänestetty yhdeksi halutuimmista paikoista.
This casino has been voted the webs Most Honest casino repeatedly.
Tämä kasino on äänestetty www: n kaikkein rehellisin kasino toistuvasti.
It has been voted as one of the "best apps" in 2014 by Apple.
Se on äänestetty yhdeksi Applen parhaista sovelluksista 2014.
Bournemouth has been voted the “happiest town” in the UK and the beaches are often voted the best in the UK and in Europe.
Bournemouth on äänestetty "onnellisimmaksi kaupungi
It has been voted to be one of Prague’s ugliest buildings. read more
Torni on myös äänestetty yhdeksi Prahan rumimmista rakennuksista. Lue lisää
He has been voted one of banking, Insurance and Fintech’s top influencers.
Hänet on äänestetty yhdeksi vaikutusvaltaisimmista henkilöistä pankki-, vakuutus- ja FinTech-aloilla.
Helsinki-Vantaa has been voted the best airport in Northern Europe in 2018 at SKYTRAX World Airport Awards. Customer
Helsinki-Vantaa on äänestetty Pohjois-Euroopan parhaa
Python has been voted many times as the most loved programming language by the developer community.
Python on äänestetty monta kertaa pidetyimmäksi ohjelmointikieleksi kehittäjien yhteisöissä.
Gilbert has been voted fourth-best on GuitarOne magazine's "Top 10 Greatest Guitar Shredders of All Time".
Hänet on äänestetty sijalle kahdeksan Guitar Onen listalla ”Top 10 Guitar Shredders of All Time” (suom.
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