Traduzione per "vu là" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
saw the
Roger a vu une chance de se faire une réputation dans le monde politique.
Roger saw the opportunity to build a reputation off of being viewed as that politically significant.
J'ai vu l'excitation que votre vie pourrait aller dans une autre direction. Une nouvelle direction.
I saw the excitement there that your life might be going somewhere different, somewhere new.
On l'a vu -bas.
He was seen there.
Je ne veux plus être vu bas.
I can't be seen there.
On t'a vu .
You were seen there.
Ce que tu as vu -bas est réel.
What you saw there is real.
Vous savez qui elle a vu -bas?
Do you know who she saw there?
Et ce que j'ai vu bas... me mis une claque.
And what I saw there.. Blew my mind.
On doit trouver ce qu'il a vu -bas.
We need to find out what he saw there.
Tu répètes sans cesse que tu veux rentrer chez toi, mais tu sais ce que j'ai vu -bas ?
You keep saying you want to go home, but do you know what I saw there?
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