Traduzione per "un bombardé" a inglese
Un bombardé
  • a bombed
Esempi di traduzione.
a bombed
Bombardement d'un Antonov
Bombing by an Antonov aircraft;
L'objectif a été bombardé.
The objective was bombed.
En fait, il n'y avait pas eu de bombardement.
There had in fact been no bombing.
Les bombardements n'ont pas cessé.
Bombing incidents also continued.
Les bombardements doivent s'arrêter.
The bombing must stop.
- Morte dans un bombardement.
- Died in a bombing.
- Un bombardement et une invasion ?
- A bombing and an invasion?
Pour un bombardement qu'ils disent que j'ai commis ?
For a bombing they said I did?
Techniquement, c'était un bombardement.
Well, technically, that was a bombing.
Je vais demander un bombardement.
I'm going to ask for a bombing raid.
Ils ont perdu leur maison dans un bombardement.
They lost their house in a bombing.
Aprés un bombardement, il a perdu la parole.
He lost his speech in a bomb attack.
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