Traduzione per "semble le penser" a inglese
Semble le penser
  • seems to think
Esempi di traduzione.
seems to think
Ces réformes étaient nécessaires et ne constituent pas une "surinstitutionnalisation", comme semble le penser M. van Boven.
Those reforms had been necessary and did not constitute "over-institutionalization", as Mr. van Boven seemed to think.
La question de la transparence et celle des armes classiques en général méritent à notre avis une attention toute particulière, quoi que semble en penser une importante partie de l'opinion publique internationale.
The issue of transparency and the broader question of conventional arms in particular deserve priority consideration, in our view, even though an important body of international opinion seems to think otherwise.
Katherine O'Connell semble le penser.
Katherine O'Connell seems to think so.
L'adjoint Trouduc semble le penser.
Deputy douche seems to think so.
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