Traduzione per "sa fuite" a inglese
Sa fuite
  • his escape
  • his flight
Esempi di traduzione.
his escape
J'ai orchestré sa fuite et éloigné l'Hélicoptère.
I set up his escape. Called off the helicopter.
Détruites dans sa fuite.
Destroyed as he made his escape.
Mais sa fuite s'est conclue ici.
But his escape ended here.
Mais voyez comment Stroh a planifié sa fuite.
McGinnis: But look how well Stroh planned his escape.
Sa fuite les a vexés.
They took his escape personally.
Avons-nous le temps d'interrompre sa fuite ?
Is there time to cut off his escape?
- Je parie que sa fuite était planifiée.
I'm sure he had his escape route well planned.
Sa fuite a eu des résultats inattendus.
His escape bore unexpected fruit.
Je prépare sa fuite en Amérique du Sud.
I'm arranging for his escape to South America.
♪ Donc il planifia sa fuite
♪ So he planned his escape
his flight
Tu sais ce qu'il a fait, ton "ami", pour couvrir sa fuite ?
Guess what he did, your "friend", to cover his flight?
Quel complice a favorisé sa fuite ?
Who was the accomplice in his flight?
Avec sa fuite commençait une autre histoire,
With his flight began another story:
Il n'en a pas eu. Sa fuite a été une folie.
He had none: his flight was madness:
Laissez-nous le considérer dans sa fuite, exceptionnelle et éblouissante sulfureuse.
Let us consider him in his flight, outstanding and dazzlingly sulphurous.
Sa fuite est assurée.
His flight is assured.
Dans sa fuite, il consacrera une chèvre, évêque.
During his flight he consecrates a goat as bishop.
Dans la tour qui donne sur l'entrée de l'école, l'enfant attend que les lumières s'éteignent, sachant que l'obscurité cacherait sa fuite.
Across the rooftops on the gate tower the boy has been waiting for darkness, knowing that his flight must not be observed.
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