Traduzione per "opprimée" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
C'est pourquoi, depuis l'imposition des sanctions, le régime d'Asmara s'évertue - comme il l'a fait cet après-midi - à détourner l'attention de lui-même et à se faire passer pour l'opprimé, notamment en tentant de faire croire à une histoire invraisemblable au sujet de prétendus territoires souverains occupés.
That is why, ever since the imposition of the sanctions, the regime in Asmara has been waging a feverish campaign -- as it has been doing this afternoon -- to deflect attention from itself and to appear to be the underdog.
Soutenant toujours l'opprimé.
Always rooting for the underdog.
Beaucoup d'opprimés.
Lots of underdogs.
Elle aime défendre les opprimés.
And she loves the underdog.
Je vais aider l'opprimé.
Hey, I'll help an underdog.
es tu une opprimée?
Are you an underdog?
Il y a beaucoup d'opprimés.
There are lots of underdogs.
Tout le monde aime les opprimés.
Everyone likes an underdog.
"B", un opprimé...
- "B," an underdog...
Stempel est un opprimé.
Stempel is an underdog.
Nous sommes les opprimés.
We are the underdogs.
Le régime a persécuté et opprimé la population.
The regime persecuted and oppressed the people.
Les femmes sont opprimées, mais pas impuissantes.
Though women are oppressed, we are not powerless.
3. Association <<Opprimés sur Terre>>
3. Oppressed of the Earth
Quand par malheur l’un d’eux est opprimé
When by hard fortune one limb is oppressed
Voix des opprimés (V.O);
Voix des opprimés (VO) (Voice of the Oppressed);
Les minorités ethniques y sont toujours opprimées.
Ethnic minorities were still oppressed.
La population est-elle opprimée par ses chefs?
Are they oppressed by their leaders?
Voilà pourquoi il faut les opprimer".
That is why they must be oppressed".
Il faut que l'opprimé la réclame.»
It must be demanded by the oppressed.
c) Pour opprimer des minorités nationales ou religieuses;
(c) for the oppression of minority national and religious groups;
Libérez l'opprimé ?
"Free the oppressed"?
L'Avatar nous opprime !
The Avatar's oppressing us!
Car je suis opprimée.
Because I'm oppressed.
Je me sens opprimée!
I feel oppressed!
Occupée et opprimée.
Occupied and oppressed.
Tu n'es pas opprimé.
You're not oppressed.
J'aide les opprimés.
Helping the oppressed.
Les femmes, opprimées !
Women are oppressed? !
- Ne m'opprime pas !
- Don't you oppress me.
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