Traduzione per "occupation a" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Cette observation générale relative à la poursuite de l'occupation a deux implications pour l'ONU.
That general observation relating to the continuing occupation has two implications for the United Nations.
La durée de l'occupation a conduit certains auteurs à qualifier celle-ci de colonialisme ou d'apartheid.
The length of the occupation has led some to characterize the situation as one of colonialism or apartheid.
L’occupation a eu des effets néfastes considérables sur le bien-être psychologique de la population palestinienne.
163. Occupation has had considerable negative effects on the psychological well-being of the Palestinian population.
L'occupation a fait obstacle au programme de démobilisation des forces de défense de l'Érythrée.
The occupation has impacted negatively the demobilization program of its defense forces.
L'occupation a eu aussi pour conséquence le quasi—démantèlement de l'infrastructure sociale.
The occupation has also led to a virtual dismantling of the social infrastructure.
Dans le nord, l'occupation a eu pour conséquence la destruction systématique de tout ce qui caractérisait l'État.
24. In the north, the consequence of the occupation has been the systematic destruction of all State presence.
L'occupation a déjà fait échouer de si nombreuses occasions de paix.
The occupation has already wasted so many opportunities for peace.
L'occupation a transformé les zones d'habitation légales du Golan en lieux de mort.
The occupation has turned legal places of residence in the Golan into places of death.
L'occupation a privé le peuple palestinien de sa liberté et a entravé ses progrès de multiples façons.
The occupation has deprived the Palestinian people of its freedom and constrained its progress in numerous ways.
L'armée d'occupation a certains problèmes... qui ont priorité sur le reste.
Look, the occupation has one or two problems which may have to take precedence.
42. De fait, tout peuple qui subit une occupation a le droit d'y résister.
42. The fact was that peoples under occupation had a right to resist occupation.
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