Traduzione per "il étaient" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Il étaient des serfs.
They were... serfs.
Il etaient que deux.
They were only 2.
Il étaient ensemble !
They were sliders!
Mais il étaient géniaux.
But they were awesome.
Il étaient Mexicains.
They were Mexicans.
Il étaient tous désarmés.
No, they were all unarmed.
Et bien, Il étaient deux.
Well, there were two.
Quand Alep est tombée, il étaient moins de 20.
When Aleppo fell, there were less than 20.
Mais quand j'ai commencé à me mêler à eux, je me suis rendu compte combien il étaient nombreux.
But when I had to mix among them, I began to realize how many there were.
Je suis sûr qu'il étaient nombreux.
I'm sure there were many of them.
Il étaient trois, au moins deux armés...
There were three of them, at least two guns...
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