Traduzione per "hanter son" a inglese
Hanter son
  • haunt his
  • his haunt
Esempi di traduzione.
haunt his
Ignorant que ses amis étaient sur les talons de ce qui semblait être un fantôme meurtrier, le pâtissier continuait de hanter son propre passé.
Unaware that his friends were closing in on the trail of what appeared to be a murderous ghost, the pie maker continued to haunt his own past.
J'ai tort de me mettre dans cet état, mais est-ce que je hante son hôtel en annonçant moult visites ?
- It's silly of me to allow him to annoy me so but do I haunt his hotel constantly sending messages I'm on my way up to see him?
Il a commis un acte qui a hanté son esprit et sa vie à jamais.
There he committed an act which haunted his life and twisted his mind forever!
Tous les détails de l'horrible histoire de Brom revenaient hanter son souvenir.
Every small detail of Brom's awful story returned to haunt his recollection.
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