Traduzione per "est qu'il est incapable" a inglese
Est qu'il est incapable
  • is that he is incapable
  • is that it is unable
Esempi di traduzione.
is that it is unable
Incapable de recommander
Unable to recommend
L'humanité est incapable de se protéger par elle—même.
Mankind is unable to protect itself on its own.
Incapable de recommanderb
Unable to recommendb
La femme est incapable de gérer.
Women are unable to be in charge.
"Je suis incapable de manœuvrer"
"I am unable to manoeuvre"
Parent incapable d'assumer ses responsabilités/
Parent unable to
3.2.5 Je suis incapable de manoeuvrer.
3.2.5 I am unable to manoeuvre.
Incapable de recommanderc
Unable to recommendc
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