Traduzione per "de sa propre initiative" a inglese
De sa propre initiative
Esempi di traduzione.
- Alors pourquoi ce Gergorin que je ne connais pas m'aurait-il inscrit sur cette liste de sa propre initiative alors que je suis un ami de Lagardère ?
So why would Gergorin, who I don't know, have put me on the list on his own initiative. Me, a friend of his boss.
Vous voulez dire que le capitaine a agi de sa propre initiative ?
You're telling me the captain acted on his own initiative?
Il a conclu une sorte de trêve avec Tyrone, de sa propre initiative.
He has concluded some sort of truce with Tyrone on his own initiative.
Il contredisait sans cesse les affirmations du parquet et prétendait n'avoir jamais rien entrepris de sa propre initiative.
He contradicted constantly the statements of the prosecutors and claimed never to have undertaken anything on his own initiative.
Alors Alonzo a tué Sikes de sa propre initiative ?
So Alonzo killed Sikes on his own initiative?
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