Traduzione per "changer comme" a inglese
Changer comme
Esempi di traduzione.
Et qu'il ne m'appartient pas de l'ignorer ou la changer comme je le voudrais.
And it's nof mine to... ignore or change as I wish.
Rien n'a changé, comme tu vois.
Nothing changed, as you see.
En tant qu'anthropologue, j'accepte le changement comme ordre naturel des choses.
As an anthropologist, I accept change as the natural order of things.
Et apparemment, ça a changé, comme plein d'autres choses.
And obviously that has changed, as has a lot of things.
N'oubliez pas le script a été changé, comme si nous travers elle.
I remember the script was changing as we were going through it.
"Devait changer comme il est ècrit "Par le grand Rousseau
And change as we read in great Rousseau...
Mes responsabilités ont changé, comme toi et Bill me le rappelez.
My responsibilities have changed, as both you and Bill keep reminding me.
Je veux changer, comme vous.
I want to change as you have.
Durant qu'il avait été perdu, le monde avaient changé comme jamais avant,
While he'd been lost, the world had changed as never before,
Non, non, je veux dire, changé, comme changer de point de vue.
No, no, I mean, changed, as in my outlook's changed.
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