Traduzione per "alors est l'homme" a inglese
Alors est l'homme
  • then is the man
  • so is the man
Esempi di traduzione.
then is the man
Jeter un homme en prison revient à priver sa famille de son gagne-pain, alors qu'un homme amputé peut retourner travailler.
Imprisoning a man deprived his family of its breadwinner, whereas after amputation a man could immediately return to work.
La part d'héritage de la femme est égale à la moitié de celle de l'homme, mais elle n'est assortie d'aucune obligation, alors que l'homme est tenu d'assurer la subsistance de son épouse et de ses enfants.
Her inheritance portion is half that received by the man and she is entitled to receive it without being required to undertake any obligations, unlike the man, who is shouldered with the obligation of maintaining his wife and children.
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