Traduzione per "abstinents" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Exemples de travaux parus en anglais entre 2011 et 2013 : Li SX, Yan SY, Bao YP, Lian Z, Qu Z, Wu YP, Liu Z M, << Depression and Alterations in Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid Axis Function in Male Abstinent Methamphetamine Abusers >>, Human Psychopharmacology, septembre 2013; BaoYP, Qiu Y, Yan SY, Jia ZJ, Li SX, Lian Z, Mu Y, Liu Z M, << Pattern of Drug Use and Depressive Symptoms among Amphetamine-type Stimulants Users in Beijing and Guangdong Province, China >>, PLoS One, avril 2013; Zhang HR, Lian Z, Yan SY, Bao YP, Liu Z M, << Different Levels in Orexin Concentrations and Risk Factors Associated with Higher Orexin Levels: Comparison Between Detoxified Opiate and Methamphetamine Addicts in Five Chinese Cities >>, BioMed Research International, volume 2013; Zhang HR, Liu Z M, << The Investigation of Tramadol Dependence with No History of Substance Abuse: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Spontaneously Reported Cases in Guangzhou City, China >>, BioMed Research International, volume 2013; Shi WL, Zhao X, Liu Z M, Zhang M, Zhou BY, Pu X, << Serum Proteomics of Methamphetamine Addicts and Up-regulation of Complement Factor H Related to Methamphetamine Addiction >>, Neuroscience Letters, septembre 2012; Li D, Chu P, Yang Y, Li S, Ruan Y, Liu Z M, Cao X, Lu L, Jia Z, << High Prevalence of HIV, Syphilis and HCV, and Low Methadone Maintenance Treatment in a Migrant Population in Beijing >>, Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2012; Bao YP, Liu Z M, Lian Z, Li JH, Zhang RM, Zhang CB, Hao W, Wang XY, Zhao M, Jiang HF, Yan SY, Wang QL, Qu Z, Zhang HR, Wu P, Shi J, Lu L, << Prevalence and Correlates of HIV and HCV infection among Amphetamine-type Stimulant Users in Six Provinces in China >>, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2012; Bao YP, Du C, Lu HY, Lian Z, Qiu Y, Mu Y, Yan SY, Liu ZM, << The Investigation of HIV and HCV Infection and Risk Factors among Opiate Drug Users in Beijing, China >>, American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2012; Wang QL, Liu ZM, << Characteristics of Psychopathology and the Relationship Between Routes of Drug Administration and Psychiatric Symptoms in Heroin Addicts >>, Substance Abuse, 2012; Yan SY, Lian Z, Sun GK, Bao YP, Ge Y, Liu ZM, << Assessment of the Chinese-Version SF-36 in the Chinese Opiate Addicts >>, Substance Use & Misuse, 2011
Selected publications in English in the period 2011-2013 include: Li SX, Yan SY, Bao YP, Lian Z, Qu Z, Wu YP, Liu Z M, Depression and Alterations in Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and Gypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid Axis Function in Male Abstinent Methamphetamine Abusers. Hum Psychopharmacol, September 2013; Bao YP, Qiu Y, Yan SY, Jia ZJ, Li SX, Lian Z, Mu Y, Liu Z M, Pattern of Drug Use and Depressive Symptoms among Amphetamine-type Stimulants Users in Beijing and Guangdong Province, China, PLoS One.
Coauteur avec le Ministère italien de l'intérieur du Rapport national sur la toxicomanie pour l'Observatoire européen des drogues et des toxicomanies; arbitre scientifique pour cinq revues internationales sur la toxicomanie et la psychiatrie; contribution à plus de 40 analyses parues dans des revues médicales scientifiques (1994-2005), dont << Aggressive responding in abstinent heroin addicts: neuroendocrine and personality correlates >>, Progress in Psycho-Neuropharmacology and Biology; << Substance use among high-school students: relationship with temperament, personality traits and parental care perception >>, Substance Use and Misuse, 2004; << Long-term methadone maintenance effectiveness: psychosocial and pharmacological variables >>, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2003; << Effects of ecstacy on dopamine system function in humans >>, Behavioural Brain Research, 2002; << Intravenous flumazemil versus oxazepam tapering in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal: a randomized placebo-controlled study >>, Addiction Biology, 2002; Quaglio G., Lugoboni F., Fornasiero A., Lechi A., Gerra G., Mezzelani P., << Dependence on zolpidem : two case reports of detoxification with flumazenil infusion >>, International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2005; Berto D., Tartari M., Tabacchi B., Gerra G., Tamburino G., << Dual diagnosis within Italian prisons - some preliminary data >>, International Journal of Prisoners Health, 2005
Co-author of the Italian Ministry of Interior of the National Report on Drug Abuse for the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction; referee of five international journals on substance abuse and psychiatry; contributed to over 40 publications in scientific medical journals (1994-2005), including: "Aggressive responding in abstinent heroin addicts: neuroendocrine and personality correlates", Progress in Psycho-Neuropharmacology and Biology; "Substance use among high-school students: relationship with temperament, personality traits and parental care perception", Substance Use and Misuse, 2004; "Long-term methadone maintenance effectiveness: psychosocial and pharmacological variables", Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2003; "Effects of ecstacy on dopamine system function in humans", Behavioural Brain Research, 2002; "Intravenous flumazemil versus oxazepam tapering in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal: a randomized placebo-controlled study", Addiction Biology, 2002; Quaglio G., Lugoboni F., Fornasiero A., Lechi A., Gerra G., Mezzelani P. "Dependence on zolpidem: two case reports of detoxification with flumazenil infusion", International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2005; Berto D., Tartari M., Tabacchi B., Gerra G., Tamburino G., "Dual diagnosis within Italian prisons -- some preliminary data", International Journal of Prisoners Health, 2005.
Pourcentage de personnes abstinentes en 1999
Percentage of abstinent persons in 1999
41. Cette phase de traitement comprend divers éléments: médications pour traiter les troubles psychiatriques et atténuer le besoin de drogues; pharmacothérapies de substitution pour attirer et réadapter les patients; consultations individuelles et de groupe et thérapies destinées à orienter et encourager les changements de comportement; et groupes d'entraide pour apporter un soutien permanent aux patients devenus abstinents.
Strategies employed during this phase have included such diverse elements as medications for psychiatric disorders and for relief of drug craving; substitution pharmacotherapies to attract and rehabilitate patients; group and individual counselling and therapy sessions to guide and support behavioural changes; and peer help groups to provide continued abstinence support.
Outre cette stratégie, il existe depuis 1974 une association d'anciens alcooliques qui aide les alcooliques à rester abstinents avec l'aide de psychiatres, de psychologues, de travailleurs sociaux et de thérapeutes.
Since 1974, besides the implementation of the Strategy, there is also the Association of Clubs of Treated Alcohol Abusers which maintains the already established abstinence from alcohol with the help of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and therapists.
En 2000, plus de 140 millions de SIT ont été affectés au cofinancement de ces programmes très diversifiés : programmes d'entraide, programmes à faible seuil, différents programmes visant à aider les toxicomanes à devenir abstinents et à le rester et des programmes standard à seuil élevé.
In 2000, over SIT 140 million were allocated to the co-financing of such programmes, which covered a wide range of fields: self-help programmes, low-threshold programmes, different programmes for achieving and maintaining abstinence, and standard highthreshold programmes.
Les types de sentences et de peines varient d’un pays à l’autre, y compris au sein d’une même région, ainsi que selon le type d’infraction commise et l’état de santé du délinquant (toxicomane ou abstinent).
Types of sentences and correctional treatment vary from country to country, even in the same region, as well as according to the type of offence committed and the health condition of the offender (drug user of abstinent).
Pourcentage de personnes abstinentes en 1995
Percentage of abstinent persons in 1995
- Oui, disons abstinent.
- Yes, as in abstinent.
T'as dit que t'étais abstinent depuis trois ans.
You said that you'd been abstinent for the last three years.
- Je ne sais pas, mais ces chrétiens abstinents nous le diront peut-être. On a le temps.
- I don't know, but maybe those abstinent Christians will tell us.
Et si quelqu'un tue un homosexuel abstinent, vous dites que ce n'est pas un crime haineux ?
And if someone kills an abstinent gay man, you're saying that's not a hate crime?
{\pos(192,280)}Groupe des Jeunes Abstinents.
- Teen Abstinence Group.
L'argent devrait revenir au GJA, le Groupe des Jeunes Abstinents.
That's money that should go to TAG, the Teen Abstinence Group.
Grâce à Kolaloka, l'abstinent est le gagnant!
Correct! Thanks to Colasup only the abstinent became the winner!
Le Groupe des Jeunes Abstinents.
Teen Abstinence Group at church.
Donc une telle chose n'existe pas lorsque c'est un homosexuel abstinent ?
So there's no such thing as an abstinent gay man?
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