Traduzione per "était jane" a inglese
Était jane
Esempi di traduzione.
Jane Mt.
45. Jane Mt.
Mme Jane Connors
Ms. Jane Connors
Dans quel état était Jane ?
How "impaired" was jane?
C'ètait Jane Livingston, en direct de Bosnie.
That was Jane Livingston, live from Bosnia.
Son plus grand ennemi était Jane.
His biggest enemy was jane.
Comment savez-vous que c'était Jane ?
How do you know it was Jane?
Il était Jane, et je lui donne envie.
It was Jane, and I want her.
Mais tout ce à quoi il pouvait penser, c'était Jane.
Yet all he could think about was Jane.
C'était Jane qui se woohait.
That was Jane woo-hoohing.
était Jane quand nous avions besoin d'elle?
Where was Jane when we needed her?
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