Traduzione per "internalisti" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Vuosina 1922 ja 1923 Ricardo julkaisi kaksiosaisen teoksen "The Internal Combustion Engine".
In 1922 and 1923 Ricardo published a two-volume work "The Internal Combustion Engine".
Hän piti John Locke -luennot Oxfordin yliopistossa vuonna 2007 aiheesta Our Knowledge of the Internal World.
In 2007, Stalnaker delivered the John Locke Lectures at Oxford University on the topic of "Our Knowledge of the Internal World."
Viitattu 22. joulukuuta 2013. (englanniksi) How we know the NSA had access to internal Google and Yahoo cloud data The Washington Post.
MUSCULAR: Overseas wiretapping of Google's and Yahoo's unencrypted internal networks by the NSA.
Efektiivinen korko (IRR = Internal Rate of Return) on se korko, jolla diskontattujen kassavirtojen nykyarvojen summa on nolla.
The internal rate of return (IRR) (which is a variety of money-weighted rate of return) is the rate of return which makes the net present value of cash flows zero.
Modifioitu efektiivinen korko (MIRR = Modified Internal Rate of Return) on efektiivisen koron laajennus, jossa huomioidaan rahoituksen ja uudelleen sijoitettavien tulojen korkokannat.
Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) considers cost of capital, and is intended to provide a better indication of a project's probable return.
Eddington julkaisi teoriansa kehitetyssä muodossa vuonna 1926 teoksessaan The Internal Constitution of the Stars, josta tuli tärkeä tietolähde kokonaiselle astrofyysikkojen sukupolvelle.
Eddington's theory appeared in mature form in 1926 as The Internal Constitution of the Stars, which became an important text for training an entire generation of astrophysicists.
Yhdysvaltain verojen perintätoimisto Internal Revenue Service peri 685 000 Yhdysvaltain dollaria maksamattomia veroja ja Colescott oli pakotettu purkamaan ja lakkauttamaan järjestöä vuonna 1944.
In 1944, the Internal Revenue Service filed a lien for $685,000 in back taxes against the Klan, and Colescott dissolved the organization that year.
Qatar Airways Group muodostuu seuraavista yhtiöistä: Qatar Airways Cargo, Internal Media Services, Qatar Executive, Dhiafatina Hotels, Qatar Aviation Services, Al Maha Services, Qatar Duty Free, Qatar Distribution Company Qatar Aircraft Catering Company.
Qatar Airways has many divisions including: Qatar Aircraft Catering Company, Doha International Airport, Qatar Airways Holidays, United Media Int, Qatar Duty Free, Qatar Aviation Services, Qatar Distribution Company, and Qatar Executive.
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