Traduzione per "heinänteko-" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Kulloinkin ilmituotujen eri mielipidetten summa osottaa tavallisesti, mikä katsantokanta on kysymyksenalaisessa tapauksessa oikea. Tämän on todellisuus monta kertaa osottanut. Ei suinkaan ole helppoa muodostaa puolueita esimerkiksi sen kysymyksen nojalla, onko heinänteko tällä tai tuolla
As a rule, the immediate outcome shows which opinion on a given subject is the right one; it is a matter of fact, not of speculation. For instance, it is clearly not easy to knock up a political party on the question as to whether haymaking in such and such a countryside shall begin this week or next, when all men agree that it must at latest begin the week after next, and when any man can go down into the fields himself and see whether the seeds are ripe enough for the cutting.
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