Traduction de "stavano combattendo" à anglaise
Stavano combattendo
Exemples de traduction
I nostri soldati stavano combattendo al fianco degli insorti.
What matters is that our soldiers were fighting alongside the Insurrectionists.
-Allora dimmi perché si stavano combattendo
-Then tell me why you were fighting
Due uomini ubriachi stavano combattendo nel parcheggio e sono andati tutti a guardare.
Two drunk guys were fighting outside and everyone went to watch.
Quando ho ripreso conoscenza, Gang e Thorsson stavano combattendo per la loro vita.
When I came to, Gang and Thorsson were fighting for their lives.
I soldati stavano combattendo... c'erano dei colpi di arma da fuoco, e poi questa cosa e' caduta qui dai cieli.
The soldiers were fighting. There was gunfire, and then this thing fell from the heavens there.
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