Traduction de "stato davvero" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
E' stato davvero geniale.
It really was brilliant.
E' stato davvero veloce.
It really was fast.
E' stato davvero straordinario.
It really was quite extraordinary.
E' stato davvero insolito.
It really was original.
E' stato davvero magnifico.
But this really was wonderful.
E' stato davvero fantastico.
That really was awesome.
È stato davvero romantico.
He was really romantic.
- È stato davvero orribile.
- That was really horrible.
E' stato... - davvero...
- That was really- Awful.
E' stato davvero strano.
It was really funny.
No, e' stato davvero... e' stato davvero dolcissimo.
No,it was really It was really sweet.
È stato davvero eccitante.
That was really exciting.
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