Traduction de "reppia" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Vedrai, Repp, e inutile.
You see, Repp, it's no use.
- Non sono una signora, Repp.
- I'm not a lady, Repp.
Chi e stato, Repp?
Who was it, Repp?
É vero, Repp.
That's right, Repp.
Repp, come sai che era Vird?
Repp, how did you know it was Vird?
- Penso ancora che tu menta, Repp.
- I still think you're lying, Repp.
Pensa meglio, Repp.
Think faster, Repp.
Portano Repp in citta.
They take Repp to town.
Di' la verita, Repp.
Tell the truth, Repp.
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