Traduction de "ossa erano" à anglaise
Ossa erano
Exemples de traduction
Le ossa erano perfettamente dislocate.
The bones were perfectly disjointed.
Le ossa erano di uno scricciolo di Bewick.
The bones were from a Bewick's Wren.
Le sue ossa erano fragili per colpa della malattia.
Her bones were brittle from the disease.
Le ossa erano avvolte in un piumino rosa.
The bones were wrapped in a pink down jacket.
Le ossa erano di Hadley Seabrook.
The bones were Hadley Seabrooke.
Le ossa erano appoggiate sul legno.
The bones were laying on wood.
Le ossa erano avvolte in quella coperta.
The bones were found wrapped in that blanket.
Le ossa erano spappolate e soffriva molto.
His bones were completely mashed. He was in bad pain.
E queste ossa erano bruciate.
And the bones were charred.
Queste ossa erano sotto al treno.
No. These bones were under the train.
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