Traduction de "critici teatrali" à anglaise
Critici teatrali
  • theater critics
Exemples de traduction
theater critics
Disse: "Ragazza cara... hai la stoffa del critico teatrale".
He said... "My dear girl, you have the makings of a theater critic."
Chi, l'assistente del critico teatrale?
What, that theater critic's assistant?
E chi non sa insegnare... diventa critico teatrale.
And those who can't teach become theater critics.
- Oona Marconi. Oona Marconi il critico teatrale?
Oona Marconi the theater critic?
Come ricorderai, ero il critico teatrale del giornale del college.
As you might recall, I was a theater critic for my college paper.
- Il critico teatrale dello "Spalaletame".
Who's that? He's the theater critic for The McKinley Muckraker.
Il critico teatrale del San Francisco Dispatch.
The theater critic from the san francisco dispatch.
Sto contattando un critico teatrale molto noto.
I'm contacting a well-known theater critic.
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