Traduction de "comparire" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
- Aspetteremo finche' non comparira'.
We'll wait until he appears.
Deve comparire davanti alla corte.
He's required to appear.
- Adesso li vediamo comparire quando...
- Now, we see them appear when...
Perche' dovrei comparire?
Why would I need to appear?
Via, via, non comparirà.
Tush, tush, 'twill not appear.
Deve anche comparire in tribunale,
Also means a court appearance,
Hai fatto comparire una porta!
You made a door appear!
Lo faro' comparire.
I'll make him appear.
- Sembrano comparire a caso.
- They are appearing at random.
Cominciano a comparire delle anomalie.
Anomalies are starting to appear.
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