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Il sortit en silence pour aller chercher du café, et il pleura tout le long du chemin.
He went out quietly to bring some coffee and all the way down the road he was crying.
Et quand il sortit le bac en bois de l'eau... il pleura...
And when he picked the wooden tub out of the water... He was crying... At least it seemed like he was.
On se disputera, pleura et rira.
We'll be angry, cry and laugh.
Alors le petit pleura car...
Time is passing. At this point, Staiola, offended, started to cry for real because...
Tout le monde pleura allègrement.
Well, there was a lot of crying, so... I believe everybody had a good time.
Ce jour-là, notre Philippine pleura sur le balcon.
The poor maid was crying on the balcony for a whole hour.
Toute la presse anglaise pleura ma mort
The newspapers at my heels aroused England, crying for my blood.
Non, il ne pleura pas.
No, but he didn't cry.
Le petit pleura grâce à un subterfuge que De Sica a raconté !
In the end, the boy starts crying thanks to an ingenious trick recounted by De Sica himself.
Il était nu, il tremblait mais il ne pleura pas.
Naked and trembling all over. But he didn't cry.
Sept jours durant, Xerxès pleura, muré dans son chagrin.
For seven days, Xerxes mourned... paralyzed by grief.
Horus pleura ses parents.
Horus mourned his parents.
La seule personne qui pleura Nick "le Russe", hormis Danielle McGuire, était son dentiste.
Possibly the only person who genuinely mourned Nik the Russian's death, apart from Danielle McGuire, that is, was his dentist.
Elle pleura Chaplin jusqu'à sa propre mort en septembre 1991
She survived Charlie by 14 years and mourned him until her death in 1991.
Elle pleura de toutes ses larmes ce joli visage.
She's gonna mourn over that pretty face.
Lorsque qu'une pneumonie emporta May, après qu'elle eut allaité Bill, il la pleura sincèrement.
When May died of infectious pneumonia after nursing Bill safely through... he honestly mourned her.
Arnold Joseph pleura cette perte en coupant ses cheveux... et il ne les fit jamais repousser.
Arnold Joseph mourned by cutting' his hair... and he never grew it long again.
Elle pleura sur le lieu du combat
In a flood of wild tears she surveyed the carnage, weeping.
Même à la mort de son propre père, Samson ne pleura pas.
Even at the death of his father, Samson did not weep.
La fille pleura, supplia, mais le Diable s'en fichait, et finalement elle céda.
And the girl wept and begged but the Devil didn't care, so finally she gave in.
Et le rocher pleura des larmes d'eau fraîche et sa soif fût étanchée.
And the rock wept tears of fresh water and his thirst was quenched.
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