Traduction de "chantaient" à anglaise
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60. Le commandant Thégboro et ses hommes ont fini par se retirer et les leaders politiques sont partis de l'Université en direction du stade, où il régnait une atmosphère de fête : les gens priaient, dansaient et chantaient.
60. Commander Thégboro and his men eventually withdrew and the political leaders left the University to head for the stadium where a festive atmosphere prevailed: people were praying, dancing and singing.
Une chaîne de télévision palestinienne a en outre diffusé, à l'occasion de la rentrée scolaire, une émission spéciale dans laquelle des enfants particulièrement doués chantaient les louanges d'un enfant dont le domaine de spécialité était le jihad (guerre sainte).
A Palestinian television channel had also broadcast a special programme at the start of the new school year, in which specially talented children were singing the praises of a child whose specialty was jihad (holy war).
Des soldats des F-FDTL ayant participé à la fusillade ont dit à la Commission que les agents de police assemblés étaient arrogants et chantaient; toutefois, la Commission a eu des preuves contradictoires selon lesquelles le comportement des officiers de la PNTL prouvait qu'ils avaient peur.
F-FDTL soldiers involved in the shooting have told the Commission that the assembled police were arrogant and singing; however, the Commission accepts contrary evidence that the demeanour of the PNTL officers indicated that they were afraid.
Les gens riaient, chantaient...
People singing, laughing.
Chantaient "Galway Bay"
♪ Were singing "Galway Bay" ♪
Et ils chantaient...
And they were singing
Oui, ils chantaient.
They were singing, yes.
Ils chantaient ensemble.
They were singing together.
Ils chantaient tres haut.
They did sing high.
Et apres, ils chantaient:
Then, they'd sing,
Pourquoi chantaient-elles toutes ?
Why were they all singing?
Les enfants chantaient tous
♪ The kids would all sing
Nombreux parmi les voyous qui ont commis ce crime, étaient ceux qui chantaient des slogans hindous en faveur du mouvement extrémiste Bajrang Dal, lié au parti au pouvoir Bharatiya Janata.
Many of the mob who inflicted the violence were chanting Hindu slogans in support of the extreme movement Bajrang Dal, which is linked to the governing BJP.
C'est comme s'ils chantaient, mais je ne comprends pas.
It's like they're chanting, but I don't understand it.
Il chantaient, comme une sorte de rituel... pour un être supérieur.
They were chanting, like some sort of ritual... for some higher being.
Ils chantaient et dansaient autour de lui.
They chanted and danced around him.
Ils chantaient quelque chose, mais j'improvise.
They chanted something, too, but I'm making that part up.
A l'époque de la croisade, les Albigeois le chantaient en allant au bûcher, ils le chantaient encore au milieu des flammes
At the time of the crusades, the Albigenses would chant as they went to their slaughter. They kept right on chanting as they went up in flames.
Ils chantaient son nom pendant les matchs de baseball.
They would chant his name at Cubs games.
Quand d'autres chantaient "Brûle, Baby" il parlait d'amour, de paix, de compréhension
While other people were chanting, "Burn, baby, burn," he was talking about love and peace and understanding.
Ils chantaient pour rythmer leur effort.
They chanted to time their effort.
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