Traduction de "son avance" à anglaise
Son avance
  • his advance
  • his lead
Exemples de traduction
his advance
Il a le droit, en fait, puisque Ralph est toujours impliqué, a condition d'avoir une augmentation de son avance a un million de dollars, pas un sou de moins.
You know, and he's all right, actually, with Ralph still being involved with this thing, provided you increase his advance to one million dollars, and not a penny less.
Trevor a envoyé aux Carters une partie de son avance.
Trevor sent the Carters part of his advance.
Je vais hypothéquer ma maison, pour payer son avance et le studio.
I'm gonna mortgage the house. That's it. I'm just gonna cover his advance, pay for the studio time.
On dit aussi, certainement par méchanceté, que vous vous intéressez de près aux affaires de votre fils Winston et de son avancement.
It has also been said, no doubt with malice that you interest yourself a great deal in your son, Winston's affairs and in his advancement.
Avec un peu de savoir-vivre un Anglais peut acheter son avancement.
With a little breeding, an Englishman can buy his advancement.
Vince a dit que même s'il ne gagnait plus d'argent du tout, avec son avance sur "Perdus dans les nuages", on peut vivre ici pendant 16 mois.
Vince says if he never makes another dollar his advance check from "Clouds" can keep us in this house for 16 months.
Il testait son programme et éliminait la femme qui faisait obstacle à son avancement.
Gets to test out his software and take out the woman standing in the way of his advancement.
his lead
Quelle est son avance sur nous ?
It's time for us to go What's his lead on us?
..s'apprête à prendre le départ. Nous verrons comment il va gérer son avance au classement général.
It'll be interesting to see how the champion manages his lead in the overall ranking.
Le sénateur Palmer a remporté New York, et le scrutin s'achève bientôt en Californie. Il semble maintenant que le sénateur Palmer maintienne son avance...
Senator Palmer has carried New York, and with polls closing shortly in California, it now appears that Senator Palmer will maintain his lead...
Vous ne pouvez diminuer son avance.
You can only decrease his lead.
La nation retient son souffle tandis que son nouveau champion, armé d'une volonté de fer, continue sa course, se reposant peu, parvient à maintenir son avance dans cette course de chiens de traîneau.
The nation holds its breath in awe... as its newest champion, Iron Will Stoneman, forges on with little rest... barely holding his lead as the dog derby continues.
Casablanca conforte son avance.
Casablancas has extended his lead.
Environ un million de votes sont comptés, et Mitt Romney maintient son avance 55-43.
About a million votes counted and Mitt Romney is maintaining his lead 55-43.
Je souhaite juste que Rupert savait comment fermer son avance sur Darko nous sommes arrivés à attraper le serpent.
I just wish that Rupert knew how close his lead on Darko got us to catching the snake.
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