Traduction de "senti la tension" à anglaise
Senti la tension
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felt the tension
Il est étonnant de constater que 28,1 % des personnes d'origine slave ont indiqué sentir des tensions ethniques dans leur vie quotidienne, de même que 26,3 % des personnes d'origine tadjike, et qu'aucun membre de ces communautés n'ait porté plainte pour discrimination ethnique ou raciale.
It was surprising to note that 28.1 per cent of persons of Slavic origin had stated that they felt ethnic tensions in daily life, as had 26.3 per cent of Tajiks, but that no members of those communities had lodged a complaint of ethnic or racial discrimination.
Mais pendant le repas, elle a senti la tension entre les deux amis.
During dinner, though, she felt the tension between the two friends.
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