Traduction de "il a pris beaucoup" à anglaise
Il a pris beaucoup
  • he took a lot
  • it took a lot
Exemples de traduction
he took a lot
Il a pris beaucoup de coups au ventre et il crachait du sang.
He took a lot ofblows to the stomach area. He was coughing up blood.
Il a pris beaucoup de coups pour protéger ses sœurs de son père.
He took a lot of hits protecting his sisters from his dad.
Il a pris beaucoup de selfies avec des serveurs, la presse, des fans.
He took a lot of selfies with waiters, press, fans.
Il m'a pris beaucoup d'argent cette nuit-là, et il... il m'a lancé un sourire narquois quand il l'a fait.
He took a lot of money from me that night, and he -- he smirked when he did it.
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